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Torrent Ableton Live 9 Packs

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by puzzmamancond1978 2020. 2. 20. 06:39


We’re kicking it off with Aurex ERX-1, an impressive sample based emulation of the Korg EMX-1 synthesizer/sequencer module coming from Aurex Music. This is one of the more complex Ableton Live packs we’ve seen lately, sporting several different playback modes (single oscillator, dual oscillator and unison), FM synthesis and three multi-FX sections. Take a look ad the demo video embedded above to see the instrument in action and also check out the Aurex MFX effects rack which is offered as a free download on the same page. More info: (30.9 MB download size, ZIP archive, contains 1 Ableton Live instrument in ALS format, 65 audio samples in 24-bit WAV format) Vinyl Scratch by AfroDJMac. Coming from our friend AfroDJMac who has already published over 100 free Ableton Live packs (this is the 119th one!), the Vinyl Scratch rack is a free utility built to make vinyl scratch style noises without a turntable. Of course, an emulation such a this one will never sound exactly like a skilled turntablist’s performance, but it’s an easy way to add a bit of that vinyl flavor to your Ableton projects.

The rack is based on Ableton’s native ping pong delay effect which was cleverly used to recreate the classic scratching effect. As always, AfroDJMac has added a bunch of useful FX controls to the rack in order to make it even cooler and easy to make interesting sounds with. More info: (6.81 KB download size, ZIP archive, ALP file format for Ableton Live). Puck is a simple free MIDI utility for Max for Live, made by SirenAudio. The concept behind this free tool is to allow the user to trigger full chords with just a single note. By default, C1 is used as the trigger note, meaning that all other notes being held in any given moment will be triggered whenever C1 is pressed (the default note value can be changed of course).

Ableton live 9 sound packs torrent

It’s a cool way to improvise rhythmic variations of a programmed chord sequence, while still being able to tweak knobs and sliders with your other hand. Please note that Puck was built with Max for Live which is required in order to use this free utility on your machine (Java runtime is also required). More info: (135 KB download size, AMXF file format for Max for Live) NoisR by Audio Outlaw.

Ableton Live 9 Sample Packs Torrent

Next up is NoisR by Audio Outlow, a rhythmic noise generator which automatically adapts to the tempo of your audio project. The developers descripe NoisR as a noise designer and pulse generator instrument, capable of adding rhythmic white noise sequences to any given audio track. The effect can be controlled with a MIDI keyboard and paired up with any iOS device.

It is currently available as a completely free download over at Isotonik Studios, an awesome website which features dozens of other free and affordable utilities for Ableton Live. More info: (5.5 MB download size, ALP file format for Ableton Live) Free Future Bass Rack by Joshua Casper. Our friend Joshua Casper has recently released yet another free Ableton Live goodie, this time a neat NI Massive powered instrument rack for future house production. The new Free Future Bass Rack is based on two instances on NI Massive (you’ll need to have NI Massive installed on your machine in order for this rack to work) and a bunch of built-in effects which are mapped to the macro knobs for easy control. The rack is completely free to download and use, however you’ll need to share it socially in order to get the download link. More info: (21.44 KB download size, ZIP archive, ALP file format for Ableton Live).

Sometimes when I sit down in front of my computer, with a collection of analog synths, guitars, endless virtual instruments, etc. I become paralyzed by choice. There are too many options. I remember being a kid dreaming of moments like this and the music I could make if I only had all this gear that's in front of me now.

Back then, when I made music, the question 'how' never came up. I had a guitar and that was it; pick it up and make music. Now, 'how' is a much more important question. I ashamedly admit, that there are often countless hours, wasted fiddling with all sorts of gear, trying this or that new thing out, but not making music. Limitations Equals Creative Freedom In my experience, the best way to get past this is to set up some arbitrary constraints. Tell yourself you can only use one or two instruments, have 8 tracks or only devote to writing a track.

I find it helps me cut out tons of distractions, eliminates myriad decisions, and get down to business. Today's free is the result of that kind of thinking. I really liked the drum sounds, as well as some of the chords I created for this track. So much so, that I thought I'd like to use them again sometime.

So I grabbed some of the sounds and put them into an Ableton Live Drum Rack. And now I'd like to offer them to you for your musical arsenal. You'll get the drums you hear in the track above, some samples from the OP-1's FM radio, some chords, and some reversed hits and tape stops. Every sound has its own controls for volume, pan, transpose, and filtering; this means you can drastically change each sample so it sounds completely different than the original.